Monday, January 30, 2012

Taylor Armstrong

I've been a big fan of the real housewives of beverly hills. I love the show bc of the drama, bc I don't allow drama within my own physical word.

With that being said, Taylor Armstrong is a former housewife in the past seasons of the show.

I, LAST season, had mentioned my concern about her relationship with her husband to my friend.

What made me look at him and say...she's being abused? I called it from a mile away. I've been in the lifestyle of a physically, emotionally, and verbally abusive relationship. I see the signs. The controlling behavior and the terrified plead for help on Mrs. Armstrongs face. Her body emotions, her submissive actions and comments.
I was right. Long story short, Russell, her husband, killed himself (hung himself in their bedroom, taylor found him) after she divorced him. There were accusations that he had beaten her, abused her etc. From her, her friends, the web, pictures have been leaked etc.

STOP--- think.

Take this serious.

To us, at home. This is dramatic. We see these things from a screen, whether it be computer, tv or phone. We aren't there.
In turn, we forget on the other side of these devices, ARE REAL PEOPLE WHO HAVE REAL FEELINGS.

The ridiculous tweets, comments, opinions, etc that are being published are so degrading it is embarrassing to mankind.
Are these immature, judgmental bullies writing this stuff without thinking about what its like to be HER? Or even to just simply be themselves in a situation/lifestyle as hers?

Its easy to sit behind a wall and tear people down for the simple fact that you can, and not have to feel the pain and suffering they do when they try to close their eyes to fall asleep at night.

Everyone can talk, everyone can have an opinion, however it seems our world is crippled, hurting in result of taking advantage of "freedom of speech".
We have our people over in other countries fighting, sacrificing their own lives and families for our freedom, and this is how we treat each other? This is how we celebrate our freedom?

Really people? Why?

What is the purpose of being hateful and malicious for fun? How is hurting people and bringing them down entertaining?

Taylor Armstrong is human. What she has done, said, shit out, or ate for breakfast, shouldn't be societies focus right now. How is SHE feeling?

These bullies sleep at night with hateful humor on their conscience, with the deceiving feeling that karma isn't real, and after them for their actions.

Maybe ONE of those thousands of bullies that CHOSE to demean Taylor while she's in this state of life....maybe, just maybe its their kid that will be murdered by their bf 10 years down the road.

Maybe, just maybe, they will randomly get hit head on by a semi truck killing their whole family, being the only survivor, having only THEN to feel the pain they enhanced during this time on taylor. Bet your bottom dollar they won't think its karma cashing in at this tragic moment in their life.

Karma is a very real thing. Very.

Never, for a second, take advantage of the love you have in your heart.
Offer that love to someone when they are down, when they need a smile, or just nice "hello". All else aside. Is this hard to comprehend?

Its a wonderful feeling to treat people with the kindness and dignity that you, yourself deserve to be treated with.

Do so, and you will quickly realize the results of love are far more pleasurable then those results brought of by actions of hate.

I don't think our world was created for this kind of hatred, not when love is so much more powerful.

*shakes head in disgrace of these cruel humans*

Taylor, you are beautiful, you may be broken now, but you have your pieces in hand, and the ones who love you and support you WILL be your adhesive to help you put your world, your family, back together. Your strong. You've got this. Chin up lady. You have been through some of the darkest nights and scariest times, and you're still alive to tell about it. You're a winner. Don't let these negative neds and nancies shift your strength.
Love and support,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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