Thursday, December 29, 2011

NO! Bully YOU!

( I posted this on my PERSONAL facebook tonight) I kinda flipped out on my 'friends'. 

I can't keep my mouth shut. I've tried, but I refuse to be silent any longer. Another teen that was close to me has committed suicide this evening. Also, recently, a 15 year old boy shot himself in the bathroom at the school here in Vermont.  These heart hanging situations are happening more and more and it straight up makes me sick.

Words hurt!! DUH! I feel like a grandmother preaching to a grip of toddlers, don't confuse yourself though, I'm really speaking directly to ALL of those who found it OK and mature to BULLY a friend of mine I went to school with, over a topless picture that was leaked here on facebook.

(psh as if NON of you have EVER taken a nude photo with your cell phone. Psh, as if ALL of you have attractive nipples..really? Until you're willing to exploit yours, be silent-common knowledge)

There were over 90 comments in regards to this picture.

People bashing, criticizing, laughing, and even worse, blatantly excusing their OWN crude bullshit remarks: "its her fault, she posted this" "she took the pic" "she asked for it" "she doesnt care".

Read slower, because to me....this is serious. And it SHOULD be to you too, ESPECIALLY if you title yourself a MOTHER, especially if you, yourself lost a friend or loved one to suicide. IF you have been bullied.. just because in this case we are ALL fortunate (so far anyway-who knows) no one blew their head off, doesn't mean I'm going to let it sift under the rug without SOMETHING being stated.

STOP bullying people. STOP. Grow up. Our children are counting on us adults to BE adults. OWN your adulthood, you had your chance to be a shithead... and let's be honest, slandering a girl (I don't give a shit who it is, a human is human) online as if its a game, is immature, and ridiculous.

I haven't been able to shake some of the things I read and they weren't even directed to me. I'd stand up, and fight loudly for each and every one of you I accept as friends on here if you needed me,there is no exception for this girl.

If you know me well, you know I'm the last person that's afraid to speak her peace and I do it for a reason.

I care.

I don't want to see anymore of this childish bullshit on my facebook again.

I'm sick of burying MY FRIENDS because of ACTIONS like bullying.--that CAN be prevented simply with maturity and common courtesy.  If its your thing to slander people and "keep it going", to bully like a two year old... Then PLEASE delete me immediately.

I'd rather have NO friends, then friends that are willing to slaughter someone alive with words over a picture- or a rumor, or an appearance.
Put yourself (or your kid) in that spot, punch yourself around a bit before you punch hateful shit into your keyboard as if the person on the other side reading it doesn't have feelings.

Just because someone does something silly, unique, awkward, scandalous, gay, transexual, straight, WHATEVER...does NOT give you or anyone else the gateway to stoop and function in toddler mode.

Its not attractive, and in case you haven't noticed, its killing people.

I honestly hope I've made myself clear.

I won't stop, and Ill speak louder if need be.  


PS. I am truly sorry and embarrassed that people I call my friends verbally abused you for their own pleasure. Shame on them.

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