Thursday, December 29, 2011

NO! Bully YOU!

( I posted this on my PERSONAL facebook tonight) I kinda flipped out on my 'friends'. 

I can't keep my mouth shut. I've tried, but I refuse to be silent any longer. Another teen that was close to me has committed suicide this evening. Also, recently, a 15 year old boy shot himself in the bathroom at the school here in Vermont.  These heart hanging situations are happening more and more and it straight up makes me sick.

Words hurt!! DUH! I feel like a grandmother preaching to a grip of toddlers, don't confuse yourself though, I'm really speaking directly to ALL of those who found it OK and mature to BULLY a friend of mine I went to school with, over a topless picture that was leaked here on facebook.

(psh as if NON of you have EVER taken a nude photo with your cell phone. Psh, as if ALL of you have attractive nipples..really? Until you're willing to exploit yours, be silent-common knowledge)

There were over 90 comments in regards to this picture.

People bashing, criticizing, laughing, and even worse, blatantly excusing their OWN crude bullshit remarks: "its her fault, she posted this" "she took the pic" "she asked for it" "she doesnt care".

Read slower, because to me....this is serious. And it SHOULD be to you too, ESPECIALLY if you title yourself a MOTHER, especially if you, yourself lost a friend or loved one to suicide. IF you have been bullied.. just because in this case we are ALL fortunate (so far anyway-who knows) no one blew their head off, doesn't mean I'm going to let it sift under the rug without SOMETHING being stated.

STOP bullying people. STOP. Grow up. Our children are counting on us adults to BE adults. OWN your adulthood, you had your chance to be a shithead... and let's be honest, slandering a girl (I don't give a shit who it is, a human is human) online as if its a game, is immature, and ridiculous.

I haven't been able to shake some of the things I read and they weren't even directed to me. I'd stand up, and fight loudly for each and every one of you I accept as friends on here if you needed me,there is no exception for this girl.

If you know me well, you know I'm the last person that's afraid to speak her peace and I do it for a reason.

I care.

I don't want to see anymore of this childish bullshit on my facebook again.

I'm sick of burying MY FRIENDS because of ACTIONS like bullying.--that CAN be prevented simply with maturity and common courtesy.  If its your thing to slander people and "keep it going", to bully like a two year old... Then PLEASE delete me immediately.

I'd rather have NO friends, then friends that are willing to slaughter someone alive with words over a picture- or a rumor, or an appearance.
Put yourself (or your kid) in that spot, punch yourself around a bit before you punch hateful shit into your keyboard as if the person on the other side reading it doesn't have feelings.

Just because someone does something silly, unique, awkward, scandalous, gay, transexual, straight, WHATEVER...does NOT give you or anyone else the gateway to stoop and function in toddler mode.

Its not attractive, and in case you haven't noticed, its killing people.

I honestly hope I've made myself clear.

I won't stop, and Ill speak louder if need be.  


PS. I am truly sorry and embarrassed that people I call my friends verbally abused you for their own pleasure. Shame on them.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Makeup obsession

Okay, I admit! Ugh, I have a makeup fetish. I love it. I love doing it, seeing it, buying it (with your money) and using the human face as a canvas for some glittery fun art! I do my make up in my bathroom in the sink, usually in the nude :) I sit on a towel and I use the light from the rope light that wrapped around my mirror. I also write random things on my mirror with an expo marker. Right now it says "smile, breath, believe". On the other side to the right it says "money :)" ok, I'm rambling. Here's a pic of me perched on the sink getting ready to cake my face! :)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Little laughter for u

A cop was on his horse waiting to cross the street, when a little girl on her new shiny bike stopped beside him. 'Nice bike,' the cop said. 'Did Santa bring it to you?''Yes sir,' the little girl said, 'he sure did!' The cop looked the bike over and handed the girl a $5 ticket for a safety violation. The cop said, 'Give this to your dad, and next year, tell Santa to puta reflector light on the back of it!'The young girl looked up at the cop and said, 'Nice horse you've got there sir. Did Santa bring it to you?' Playing along with the girl, he chuckled and answered,'Yes, he sure did!' The little girl looked up at the cop and said: 'Next year tell Santa the dick goes underneath the horse, not on top!
I can already see my daughter spatting this!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ultra Sexual Tease

This video pretty much speaks for itself! Happy friday!! Its gonna be a good one!!!

Who am I?

I got in a rather large "debate" this evening about being...or shall I say "doing" what it takes for "addie doll" to exist.
When I was a younger girl, mid teens I had an older cousin who I envied the shit out of because she had nice big tits (she was two years older -excuse gone bad). You could find me out in my little hometown in good ole nebraska sitting on the back of my grandmas bumper of "lizzy" her old yellow wagon car pos (I actually crashed it into a van on accident-save that for another time) with my chest sticking way out, stuffed with my gay cousins socks. I'd coat my lip gloss on. I don't know why I did this...? I hated men in middle school. (I have my reasons)

When it comes down to it, I'm scandalous. Some may refer to me as a "whore" "slut" "skank" , bark that I have no morals yada fuckin ya! BUT, I've lived a not so normal childhood, adolescence, and now early adulthood. Maybe that's why I would stare and dream of women like pamela anderson and now jenna jameson. I just love the sex appeal, always have. I've always wanted to be like that I find it attractive. Piss off if you disagree, that's your choice. I grew up in a sexual lifestyle. I'm sexual. But I'm also a very loyal fun and loving girl, it just takes a lot to accept that I'm comfortable living the lives of two characteristics. Is that bizarre?

I am comfortable and enjoy owning and teasing random cock without an emotional connection. I also would enjoy a relationship where a man would understand I will give him all my emotional love and loyal commitment. Does that make sense? Is this possible? Or is being a cocktease a deal breaker on a monogamous love life? relationship? Hmmm?

If only people could pop in my head and understand, *sigh*

Ps. Sweet dreams XoXo

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Panty play

Its always fun to tease, I love these panties! Wearing these today!


***Drum roll please*** 
Its issssssssssss


(Good morning, I have no make up on, just lipstick-sorry)
And for the last....

Tada! Thats a lovely cherry pop to THONG THURSDAY on Addie Doll Blog! Wooo hooooo!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lil miss maid Today 12/14

(shit my rent is due tomorrow just realized while typing the date! I HATE paying rent.--I think my landlord should absolutely give everyone free of rent for the month of December) Anywho...Im rather busy with calls now and limited on time to take them this afternoon, so I am just going to post the second vid I took, it shows what Im wearing and thats the purpose. Check out the back of my hair, its a wild mess for WILD WEDNESDAY!! Actually thats an excuse..the cats outta the bag, I really didnt shower today. I just did my make up and took my hair down and sprayed hairspray in it so it would be crazy, like myself. :) You get to meet ben "live" in this one too. Lucky you. ;)


I decided not to keep saying "bla bla oh heyyyy its addie doll" at the beginning of each vid I do because when I watch youtube videos and the person says the same thing in the beginning sometimes it annoys the shit outta me because im like I ALEADY KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! We all know I am plenty annoying enough without that added in the beginning of each vid, BUT i do understand why they do it I guess its always good to spread your name right? Hmmm That was a bit of a ramble. What?..Ive gotta do something between shows other then cake more fucking makeup on my face! :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tiny Titty Tuesday!!

Tuesdays are pretty much useless. 

Thats why we have

But... I have TINY titties. So I have to call it 



Greek Boy...

You wouldnt think so from how skinny mini I am, but I absolutely LOVE food. Its really hard for me to pick a favorite, But Id have to go with Italian. I CRAVE it all the time, and eat it probably at least 3 times a week.  I am also obsessed with Tom kha soup, which is like a coconut milk soup and its Thai. Im not sure if I spelled it right. I also realllllllllllly love Chinese food. :) Now Im hungry. I hate bread. When I was pregnant I couldnt stand the thought, taste, smell, or look of cheese. Now I am fine with it.


I owned a bitch for nearly 2 years and yesterday, I did not just flip off my fuckin rocker, I broke the whole damn chair on his ass! (Not literally, but I totally wish).  I enjoy owning bitches, having them do little tasks for me and pay my way through life. (who wouldnt like that?!?!?) I guess maybe by being in this industry for the amount of time I have, and constantly dealing with "bitches" "subs" "slaves" "sissies" etc.  I have really come to believe that I am a princess of some sort and do in fact deserve all of this perfect treatment. Bhahahaha. I mean if you think about women, we are rather perfect. 

I was just on twitter, and there are millions of men just drooling all over these innocent soon to be sluts. Its INSANE how much money a girl can make in this business. IF they know how to OWN the power of control.  I made some real nice money off my Bitch. I got a few nice pieces of jewelry and had my bills paid. In return, I sent worn panties, did phone calls, webcam shows, emailing (CONSTANTLY), gave tasks, sent pics, mags, custom videos. My bitches become addicted to me rather quickly. This one in particular claimed to be in love with me. Which I wouldnt doubt. I went APE on him last night, blocked his number, deleted him and dismissed him from my life because he is such a disgusting piece of loser shit. 

 I was furious because he lied to me. I HATE liars, and my bitches are certainly only fooling themselves if they think they can feed me lies and Ill actually swallow them. Fuck you. "Take your 20's your 100's your watches and your compliments and shove them up your fucking faggot ass you bitch, I am going to take everything in your christmas box, set it on fire and send you the ashes, thats all you deserve!!!!! You have disobeyed your mistress princess and I will not tolerate that. You have pissed me the fuck off, I am THE WRONG person to EVER piss off. You are to NEVER ever ever ever ever ever contact me EVER again. Understood?!" Click. 

Thats how that conversation went. 

It will be a fun time bringing on and training a new bitch, shaping him into bending backwards sideways or upside down just for me, his princess. :) I love fantasy. I live and breath this world. 

Anywho, Just wanted to announce I ditched my bitch and Im super happy!!!!! 


When I am sad, INDIA makes me feel... on Twitpic

When I am sad, INDIA makes me feel... on Twitpic

Lady Gaga Is so gorgeous. I love the fact that she is SO different and doesnt give a FUCK. what OTHERS think of HER. I love her and her music, Thank God for GAGA!!!!
In this pic I shared, she just did her make up very light (compared to the Gaga norm). I just think its beautiful.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Bloopers For VLOG sound

Hahahahha I couldnt get the sound to work!!!!!!!!!! I thought maybe yall would find the Humor in these takes. The last one im just fuckin sitting there talking to myself. Im a hot mess today let me tell ya!!!

First "vlog"

I really had no clue what I was doing so please excuse my madness.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I just ate a huge sandwich so fast I think I'm going to burst! Food break then work!

Holiday stress

Holy cowballs!! I am SO stressed out!! I feel like I never should have went home in november for the holidays because now I'm all behind on my bills (the ones I JUST got caught up on!) Ok. So maybe I am irresponsible with my money, but I guess to me... That's what motivates me to make it. Wah!!! I just want someone to take care of me! I'm exhausted!
Done venting,
Ps. I've been practicing my make up, here is the look I have for tonight!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just addie series

"Just addie" will be random posts of my stupidtacular craziness and most random acts. This section will be for those of you who wanna find out how quirky I am, and why it is that my clients will "IM " me specifically to ask what mood I am in today, hahahaha! Oh whatever, let's have fun with life. Why not?? We only live once!
Ohhhhh this monkey...hahaha I bought him in new york at the airport when I went there for the first time for a shoot. I literally just flew there w some friends, got off the plane, went to the hotel(caused some havoc, hehehe) woke up did our shoot, and left that night. Anyway, that was in 2006. I know that, because I was living in studio city california at the time. I had originally bought lil monkey for my boyfriend, but he's just so cute he's pretty much mine. My little souvenir. I just put him on the tv to see who he bothers first...hahahahah. He just stares at you while you're trying to watch tv! Love it!

Back it up

Better of front

Candy stripper better front pic..? My phone sucks and bentli enjoyed eating the chargers to most of my electronical devices! Asshole

Lil candy stripper

Here is my outfit today! Front!

Monday, December 5, 2011

My good bitch.

I have been getting a lot of nice things from my bitch lately. He was so good today and paid my phone bill in full! Good boy bitch! Way to make your princess mistress is kept happy! Surprise is on the way!!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

BACK From my "Vacation"

FINALLY!!! I have made it home from my "vacation" which was really just me going to "the good life" Nebraska to see my family for the holidays. Can we say D R A M A?????! Needless to say, I am excited to be home and back doing what I do best :) I got home yesterday, but I slept ALL day, and I just woke up now. hehe. Hopefully with all that rest I will look extra beautiful for those of you who get to see me today! I will be getting online at 1:30 for shows!!! Again tonight around 9pm! If you are a customer on my Niteflirt listing, You should be receiving free minutes as a belated thanksgiving gift!!!!