Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just addie series

"Just addie" will be random posts of my stupidtacular craziness and most random acts. This section will be for those of you who wanna find out how quirky I am, and why it is that my clients will "IM " me specifically to ask what mood I am in today, hahahaha! Oh whatever, let's have fun with life. Why not?? We only live once!
Ohhhhh this monkey...hahaha I bought him in new york at the airport when I went there for the first time for a shoot. I literally just flew there w some friends, got off the plane, went to the hotel(caused some havoc, hehehe) woke up did our shoot, and left that night. Anyway, that was in 2006. I know that, because I was living in studio city california at the time. I had originally bought lil monkey for my boyfriend, but he's just so cute he's pretty much mine. My little souvenir. I just put him on the tv to see who he bothers first...hahahahah. He just stares at you while you're trying to watch tv! Love it!


  1. That's my sexy princess. So much fun.

  2. How can I put into mere words the wonderfullness that come with Addie. She is so amazing.
